Legal actions are presented to punish had involved in the case of Hewlett-Packard
Case: Hewlett-Packard
By: Carlos Damian April 15, 2014
Former officials of Pemex related with the bribe are identified
Mexico. - The case of the bribe that it paid the company Hewlett - Packard (HP), to obtain a contract the year 2008 it is the tip of a thread that leads to near collaborators to Felipe Calderon. Let us try to make memory of these facts: in March of 2006, the consultant GEA (economists' Group and associates), headed by Jesus Reyes Heroles Gonzalez-Garza (JRH), it gave to know a survey in the one that for the first time Felipe Calderon overcame for two points in the electoral preferences to Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO), in a relationship of 36 to 34 percent. To Roberto Madrazo it placed it with 28 percent. It was a crucial point. To leave and that moment threw to walk the machinery to sit down to Calderon in the presidential seat, the famous “conspiracy” of AMLO, and JRH it would be rewarded with the general direction of Pemex. Their right arm, Raul Livas Elizondo (RLE), it occupied the corporate direction of operations. For those days that already passed the bribe it happened.
The facts denounced by the Commission of Values and the Department of Justice of The States are already investigated by the internal organ of Pemex; as long as, the legal direction will carry out the conducive legal actions, it says the company State’s property. Their general director, Emilio Lozoya (THE), it assures that there won't be impunity.
We have several versions about the fact and the nearest would be this: On December 22, 2008, Pemex subscribed contracts for 6 million dollars with HP for the software installation. HP in turn, hired the services of consultant Intellego SC, to which paid 1.5 million dollars. Later on, Intellego gave 125 thousand dollars in March from 2009 to an official of Pemex whose signature was necessary in the contracts. Let us see that it makes Intellego, the intermediary company. It is a company of specialized consultancy in solutions for the administration of information, processes and TI. It had Livas (RLE), between 2005 and 2006, in charge of director of development of business position. Such it seems and according to the investigations of the Commission of Values and the Department of justice of The States, a former executive of Intellego, and in turn right arm of JRH, and he had an employment of first level in Pemex, he received the pay of 1.5 million dollars and it gave a monetary gift of more than 100 thousand dollars to the official that signed the contracts. The director of Pemex, EL has a difficult challenge: he will be able to complete the made commitment that there will no longer be impunity in Pemex, and he will be able to lift the head to see the group boss, JRH that now heads a company Structura, from which promotes business in Pemex, (La Jornada, Enrique Galvan).
Toy history
The legal direction of Pemex will make the pertinent legal actions that could derive in the presentation of an accusation before the PGR, so that it is investigated and punish the bribe officials of Mexican Petroleum (Pemex) to assign in 2009 contracts to Hewlett - Packard, during the administration of Reyes Heroles (JRH) in the company oil property of the state. With relationship to the results of the investigation exposed by the Commission of Values (SEC), and the Department of Justice of The States, the general director of Pemex, Emilio Lozoya Austin, gave instructions of arriving ‘until the last consequences’, “for what there won't be impunity", he sentenced. The investigations of the SEC point toward the former director of operations, RLE, of Pemex. It was identified as a former directive of the consultancy signature to the one that carried out the payment of 1.41 million dollars. On December 22, 2008 Pemex subscribed contracts for 6 million dollars with HP for the software installation. The company wholesaler for the sale of the computer equipment hired the services of consultant Intellego SC in turn, to which paid it 1.5 million dollars.
Later on Intellego gave 125 thousand dollars in March from 2009 to a company controlled by an official of Pemex whose signature was necessary in the contracts. In this net of relationships he/she is also who was the vice-director of processes of business and technological infrastructure of the company State’s property, Manuel Reynaud Aveleyra, identified by the SEC like the director of technologies of the information (CIO) of Pemex who signed the contract with HP in 2009. The now former state official under the direct control of RLE who had been director of Administration and of development of business in Intellego and he is partner of GEA, Group of Economists and Associates, company also linked JRH. Manuel Reynaud Aveleyra was related in 2009 in a case of corruption with the German company SAP; to accept a trip category VIP to the great prize of formula 1 of Monaco, days 23 and 24 on May of that year, in payment for the direct award of contracts with the company. In those times the director of HP in Mexico was Carlos Guzman who three years ago left the position.
Livas (RLE) he is at the moment partner of JRH in the consultancy Structura, subsidiary of Energea, presided over by the former general director of Pemex. Energea is a consultancy dedicated to provide services multidisciplinary for the establishment of new companies, national or foreign, linked with the sector energy of Mexico. JRH, son of the political Jesus Reyes Heroles that was also managing of the oil State’s property, was always presented as militant of the PRI, but it served the interests of the administration of the PAN like general director of Pemex among the first of December from 2006 to September 8, 2009. In the private sector, RLE developed activities like director of Development of Business of Intellego, consultant dedicated to the handling of information and intelligence of business (2005-2006). Also, it was managing general of Capital MXV Ventures (2003-2005), partner consultant of GEA (2001-2003), and director of investigation of Vector Stock market, from 1999 at 2001.
When reporters of La Jornada come closer about the accusations of to American SEC, RLE responded through your secretary: "Unintentionally to be rude says that starting from now him won't respond calls". As for JRH, ( by means of an electronic mail, but answer was not received. The Mexican oil company informed that the internal organ of Control in Pemex carries out the corresponding investigations and the legal general direction will undertake all the pertinent legal actions. "Mexican petroleum cooperate permanently with the competent authorities in the investigation activities to their position and it acts with strict attachment to right, so much in defense of their interests and of their patrimony, like with the responsibility and the commitment that the Mexicans demand", it highlighted. On Wednesday the SEC (4/9/14), it informed that the American computer group HP will pay 108 million dollars to put an end to the investigations of the authorities of Washington it has more than enough cases of corruption in Mexico, Russia and Poland. In Mexico the bribes imply Pemex; it informed the Department of Justice of The States. The SEC pointed out those branches of HP in those three countries paid bribes for a total of 3.6 million dollars to obtain or to maintain juicy contract publics.
In Mexico the investigation of the SEC points out that the branch of HP paid to a consultant to help to the company to win a contract of services technological publics in Pemex for 6 million dollars. With this cynicism and this corruption they move the flag it has more than enough Pemex of corruption and impunity. (La Jornada, economia, p.p. 6 - 26, April 11, 2014).
lunes, 28 de abril de 2014
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