viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

Two countries with migratory problems

International All against the Mexican illegal aliens: criminals of war Two countries with migratory problems By: Carlos Damian July 23, 2013 The border militarization of The States Mexico. - Perhaps one of the main obstacle among republican and democrats to consent to the regularization of the 11 million illegal aliens Mexican are found that in The States they have a demand to carry out the one sealed of the frontier before they can consent to the American residence. The republican congress members Bob Corker (RC), of Tennessee, and Joan Hoeven (JH), of Dakota of the North, they are outlining the construction of 700 miles of border wall and the increment of 20 thousand agents of the Border patrol, besides tip technology and non manned airplanes. In this path senator Lindsey Graham affirms that there is the clear intention of militarizing the frontier, and it is to avoid a “third wave of undocumented migrants". However the vision of this problem binational differs of the previous legislator due to Mark Krikorian's opinion (MK), director of the ‘Center of migratory Studies’ (CIS), when affirming in its article, “The border security ruse". The managing MK, practically makes fun of the proposal of these legislators, because it points out that it is simply to look for to convince the republican legislators that continue reluctant to accept the “amnesty” of the undocumented workers. In the first place because what legislators RC and JH are outlining are “objectives” and “non requirements", and therefore, they are not a condition so that the workers benefit with the same amnesty. But MK, affirms that the own senator RC points out in a radio program (MSNBC) that it is not necessary to worry about the border reinforcement, since one cannot make in a short period. For MK this proposal is a “farce, and if he thinks that the American town will vote then for it he believes that they are some credulous fools". Neither among them have they come to an agreement on the proposals of the migratory reformation. That it will be approved by the Congress before their recess, August 2. Border Militarization What is a fact is that the proposal is not new. Timothy Dunn, outstanding investigator of the Universidad Salisbury, Maryland in their book, ' The militarization of the Us-Mexico border: 1978 - 1992: low intensity conflict doctrine comes home', it in fact analyzed the form in that The States, developed alternatives to solve the conflict of the migration in the south frontier, with border reinforcements that were carried out by Bill Clinton in the last decade of the XX century. But the result is that the undocumented workers have been increased in extraordinary form, to the degree that has reached the 11 million migrants, of which 7 millions are of Mexican origin. The above-mentioned indicates us that if there is work there will be Mexicans that occupy it, but if there is not work, like it was demonstrated in the crisis 2007 - 2009, the migration will be inhibited and it will arrive to the “migration zero”. We should see to this migratory phenomenon as the product of the incongruities among the economic conditions of the country destination and the lack of visas that they respond to the necessities of the labor market. Situation that is not solved in the migratory proposal for which The States will maintain to a labor group with a lot of .vulnerability, and they will have to wait 13 years before trying to change its artificial and labor situation, but on the other hand they will even receive many undocumented workers with an unitary and reduced payment. More criminalization of the Mexican in The States During decades the American government directed his finger with fire to accuse to the western world that represented the socialist block with the USSR to the head, of discriminating against the oriental Germans when lifting the “wall of Berlin” with 115 kilometers of extension, meanwhile they distracted to the free world they lifted theirs in the frontier with Mexico, of more than 3 thousand kilometers long, a wall that expresses theirs pride of power and colonial symbol. The story continues the writer, Carlos Fernandez, in its informative note ‘Mexico, S. A’: if Erick Honecker was a leader of fixed ideas, pride of the Nazi Germany, the Yankees they overcame it amply. In this context of discriminatory lines as: Ceuta, Melilla, the fringe of Gaza, Cisjordany, the blockade of Cuba that takes more than half century, would be interesting to see to all those that claimed and they cried for the wall from Berlin as they would react with the call ‘wall of the tortilla’ that extends along the frontier with Mexico. The question is where it is the ‘good vicinity’ (we are the good neighbor and they are the neighboring ones any more), and the ‘spirit of collaboration’ among both nations. It is obvious that they can make what they want in their territory and to impede what they believe pertinent, but and the “friendly speech of partners"; the current government doesn't dare to lift the voice. What they have said humility is a repetition of the previous five governments, with their paper war, with elegant speeches and content holes, without a formal and emphatic international complaint. The compliments of like the NAFTA has worked, they have been plentiful from its negotiation to the beginning of the nineties of the XX century, where the Mexican government should demand the inclusion of a migratory chapter in the picture of this agreement binational. All the governments have faked insanity on the aspect of the Mexican migration. The author of the initiative was the former president Carlos Salinas de Gortari (CSG), and the American government requested and CSG granted everything, but him less than one can request in exchange for an agreement of such a magnitude it was an agreement in the mentioned way. Two decades later it stays without any change, nevertheless the growing number of Mexicans that they cross the frontier to settle in the neighboring country, with everything and “you amend”. The compatriots: 280 million dollars This whole paraphernalia that the government from The States has created to stop the Mexicans that want to enter to their territory, from the disastrous Ronald Reagan with his federal programs, they have not been able to control this human river that they already form near 12 million illegal aliens and if they stay there it is because somebody hires them, they pay taxes, and they are productive for the American economy. One can give sample of the productivity, those almost 280 thousand million dollars remitted by the compatriots between 1989 and 2012. In 1993 previous to the outburst of the NAFTA, Mexico captured resources of 3 thousand 333 million dollars for concept of remittances. Two decades later on, for the same concept 22 thousand 446 million green dollars arrived, almost 600 of increment between a date and another. Perhaps the objective of these compatriots abroad when maintaining to their families it is to become country of the first world, in spite of the migratory annoyances that have built the Yankees. Let us see some figures that what all world knows happened: in the six years of CSG, resources of 16 thousand million dollars were captured; Zedillo, around 31 thousand millions; Fox that promoted the " export " of gardeners, 92 thousand millions, and the last president Calderon, 140 thousand million, eight hundred increment between the first one and the last one of the mentioned governments, and between dozens of punitive programs against undocumented Mexicans. With these figures, it would not be more practical, human and ethical to sit down to negotiate a migratory agreement that benefits to both nations. However part of the bankrupt ones programs Yankees, it would be good to remember them: "an investigation of the Office of Immigration and Customers of The States revealed that in 1977 a company of California (Golden State Fencing) it hired illegal aliens to install a metallic wall in the frontier with Mexico (La Jornada, 11/25/06). They used them to fulfill a contract the Department of Defense (…) and the reinforcement of the thatched top contributed to that in the period 1997 - 1998 died more than 350 illegal aliens in the border one ‘Imperial California Valle’. (La Jornada, Economia, p.28, June 26, 2013).

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