viernes, 12 de julio de 2013

The Mexican energy reformation

National The oil company Pemex is about to be privatized The Mexican energy reformation By: Carlos Damian July 1, 2013 The Cantinflas University in Mexico is where our public officials come México. - The federal government has tried to convince us of the benefits that the structural reformations have brought us to the Mexicans, with his well won diplomas in the University of Cantinflas that if we saw to 'grosso modo', is all those that integrate the cabinet of EPN, and this is manifested with the slide of the tenant of the Pinos residence since the one mentioned reformation energetic it should include the changes in the constitution, and secondary laws to give certainty to the private investors, we believe that it was already organized a competition to know who the sharpest in these scenic arts. But we see that June 19 president EPN untied polemic in Mexico when announcing during her tour for Great Britain that will send to the Congress an initiative of reformation energetic to be modernized to PEMEX by means of the participation of private capital. In interview with the daily ‘Financial Times’ said that the proposal will be presented in two or three months", but it doesn't imply a privatization process. That somebody explains to me this sentence: •" by means of the participation of private capital", and then he explains that “isn’t a privatization process". In the case of the PAN, it will present their own energy initiative that will be ambitious and that “main soaked reformer", Gustavo Madero announced (GM). When wondering to GM what says on this presidential initiative he insisted, “it will be a very avant-garde and ambitious initiative", it is obvious that the presidential sale to the private initiative will be supported by another neoliberal and desirous right-wing party of money that they will water to full hands. Gerardo Gutierrez Candiani of the CCE, he has not lagged behind in their desire that Pemex is privatized and sold transnational foreigners. Arguing that the town of Mexico doesn't want to sell it for an ideological question. “Pemex isn’t privatized”. Cantinflas University In this context of official lies we have to recognize that the Constitution is clear in this respect, and it locates us perfectly of who is the ‘black gold’, in such a way that it doesn't come to the case a "reformation" that modifies the Great Letter to leave in clear what the tri-colored one insists. According to Carlos Fernandez, continuous in their writing of ‘Mexico, S. A.’,” statement is in passing, along the last 30 years the federal government didn't make another thing that “to give legal certainty’ to the private capital ‘to supplement’ the investment in all the economic sectors and to accelerate the " modernization ", so that to the turn of the time the Mexican State was naked, without well some in its counter of goods to sell to the great capital, except for the black gold, and up to now it has put, the words: "certainty " and " modernization" like euphemisms to privatize absolutely everything, without protection some for the State”. Other distinguished shepherd of the tri-colored one of the Senate, but finally official graduated of this eminent University, Emilio Gamboa Patron (EGP), it changed the official version: "there is not project neither we can speak of what the energy reformation is; it would be to deceive us and the town, but that that yes we know it is that ‘Petroleos Mexicanos’ have to be modernized". Manlio Fabio Beltrones (MFB), it supports him with a collection sentence: "Pemex is not sold neither it is privatized; what we look for is to give more speed to the modernization (…) to recognize that the property of the petroleum is of the State". Gotcha! It would make in explaining to the less learned ones in these tools that it is what is saying, with this game of words and concepts. The reformation and modernization Continuous in this string of explanations MFB, when affirming that if he knows so that it is the "reformation", but EGP doesn't know, because he says, “any preliminary design of the energy reformation proposed by president Pena Nieto doesn't exist". We want the generation of employments, and we believe that PEMEX can have foreign investment, but it is necessary to say it once and for all: the priority is that there is private, mainly Mexican investment, but welcome the foreigner". (Once again: investors say, non contractors). When supporting senator MFB, EGP he says, “when they say that we will privatize Pemex, we deny it overwhelmingly; Petroleos Mexicanos will continue in hands of the Mexicans, but on the other hand, yes we go for the modernization of that company (…) it is not privatized, it is only modernized". (La Jornada, Cesar Solis). These explanations to my little one to understand each one says to us: investment private in the property company of the State (mainly Mexican, but welcome the foreigner"), it is not synonymous of privatization, mainly when the Constitution that they seek to modify impedes the participation of that money in the company of the State. As for the national leader of the PRI, Cesar Camacho Quiroz (CCQ) who appropriately assisted the instruction of EPN to modify the statutes of the party to call itself ‘Mexican Neoliberal Party’ (PNM), we say this to level the path and to take off the uncomfortable incongruity between the speech and the practice. Of the essential norms of the party the following thing disappeared: "we reject any procedure that seeks in a surreptitious way to give the project and operation of activities characteristic of Pemex, the control of their market and the usufruct of the oil rent". The pragmatic manager of the PRI, CCQ is a peculiar character that says: the PRI “should have ideology, but this should not line in the dogmatism that is thing of religions, of parties". Clearer he could not have said it. Of the “pragmatic” militancy of the PRI, when assisting the secretary of Treasury: "the energy reformation will be carried out in 2013, and it will be necessary to change the mark legal Mexican", in the expert, that such modifications cannot be rejected “by an exclusively ideological point of view". Clever: to fade it has said. Another tri-colored shepherd of the presidential cabinet, newly graduate of the Cantinflas University, “it has left in clearing” that “neither the president of the Republic neither none of the government's members has spoken of privatizing Pemex, by no means privatizing the oil reservations or of gas that has Mexico". This type of declarations has repeated to the long and wide of the country, but now in charge of the secretary of Energy, Pedro Joaquin Coldwell. Of the general director of Pemex, Emilio Lozoya, and of their commercial partners Gustavo Madero and Jesus Zambrano, to the front of their respective companies who don't come for any part these graduates of the Cantinflas University that “enrolls a privatization". With this characteristic cynicism of acolytes’ commercial partners, they coincide in that “the progressive forces look for a ' modernization' of the property of the State". However, the changes to the Constitution are a mere coincidence without importance. With this graduates nosegay that they make celebration of their illogical and incongruous speech an official recognition should be made to all these characters of the national life. Mail of Charly The wall in the north frontier of Mexico that has been built in the dividing line has not stopped to the flow of compatriots, and it has two effects: it has scared them and those 'coyotes' gets paid more to cross them in areas of more risk (desert). The American senate approved the law Corker-Hoeven, an initiative of the republicans that contemplates the expense of 30 thousand million dollars to reinforce the border security. Now it will be possible to increase the number of border agents (Immigration authorities) at 40 thousand and to complete the fence of bars of metal of 3 meters on a thousand 126 kilometers, and in spite of everything it lengthens another decade in the Senate the approval of the legalization of illegal aliens thousands (migratory reforms). A pronouncement of war, and destabilization to the country that has not had echo on behalf of the Mexican government. There is not strong complains, both the Mexican, and continuous government's officials' complains Felipe Calderon’s second six years. It is a decision of internal politics of The States on which you cannot influence. Have the Americans said it also already, sometimes with rudeness, other spitting gently that if the Mexicans don't agree; why they don't generate employments for the Mexicans inside the territory of Mexico? (La Jornada, política, p.p. 10 -23, June 25, 2013).

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