sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013
President Jolopo
The possible conspiracy of LEA to murder JLP
President Jolopo
By: Carlos Damian April 17, 2013
The chronicle on the political air that was breathed in that in old Mexico
México. - A long time ago, let us have said for 37 years ago the ambassador in The States in Mexico sent information August 6th, 1976, to the Department of State, when he was secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The American former ambassador writes his thoughts and chronicles on the air that was breathed in old Mexico, heavy and dangerous politician, when pointing in his writings the rumors that president Luis Echeverria Alvarez (LEA) he was conspiring to murder the elect president Jose Lopez Portillo (JLP) to extend his power beyond the validity of his presidential period. He remembers that they were the insistent rumors and the versions were of the more stranger, in the atmosphere that the diplomatic Joseph John Jova was unwrapped (JJJ), these Kissinger’s cables like they are known in the diplomatic atmosphere it even remembers the ‘modus operandi’ of the attack: LEA with a select group of military of career they would be those in charge of to mount the plot and to try as “expiatory male goat” to the 23 of September League and even “to sprinkle” to the CIA (Central Intelligence of Agency).
In this bloody scenario the place and of time circumstance it would give it September 1st, last day of the report of LEA they are people of their trust, with military of bigger range loyalists to the president, for not losing the “leadership of the PRI", and certainly the presidential seat recover it again. One year before in The States, the former president Gerald Ford had suffered two bankrupt attacks, one blow suddenly September 5, 1975, in Sacramento and another one 17 days later in San Francisco California. Later on this information was unwrapped without classifying after some years May 4, 2006. It is part of the little one more than 3 thousand 100 cables coming from the embassy of The States in Mexico, inside the universe of a million 700 thousand you inform of the years of the diplomacy of Kissinger that easily is navigable in the Public Library of American Diplomacy. Perhaps it finds them with date of June 25th, 1976 and it refers, according to their title to an “accusation of Echeverria of pressures of The States against Lopez Portillo". It is possible that all the cables are not rescued on this topic in those dates due to their condition of sensitive information of The States. Actual day you find as “Top Secret”, and it is ”not available", all this information.
This topic “only mentions it under the table and in silence among near friends: the president's intention of conserving the power beyond the term of their six years", Daniel Cosio Villegas says (DCV) in it finishes it edition in the magazine ' little Plural' before his death in March of 1976. Ambassador JJJ picks up an ominous prediction of DCV, to sustain the hypothesis of the presidential plot: "if it ends up happening something grotesque and unexpected", DCV writes. JJJ is explained the persistence of these rumors like “symptom of a political climate in which LEA is done with a lot of mistrust by many Mexicans, more than as an indication that something like that can happen". But it justifies its decision of approaching the topic it is this send of information due to the historical antecedents -the attacks against Alvaro Obregon, Manuel Avila Camacho brother-in-law, and Carlos Madrazo Pintado, and also because The States stops the consequences of an event they would be this way deep."
In the picture of this hypothesis, JJJ is also extended in speculating on what would happen later. He mentions that foreseen in the article 85 of the Mexican Constitution in case the elect president is not presented that day of the taking of possession. In that situation, an interim president would be nominated while they are carried out, in a term of among 14 and 18 months, new elections. In this circumstance of the presidential plot, the ambassador estimates that the murder would happen after the one of September, and that the interim president could be selected among the three records of LEA: Hugo Cervantes del Rio, Augusto Gomez Villanueva and Porfirio Munoz Ledo. “That which will allow the president to maintain the power through somebody more governable than Lopez Portillo". This would be possible because, in definitive, JJJ, the Mexican Congress agrees it takes form the “stamp of Echeverria", even the recently elect election.
The thread of this conjecture takes us to another: that the legislators, unconditional they could modify the Constitution to enlarge the term of LEA in the Presidency beyond the legal period. In this hypothetical mental exercise, the information mentions the possibility that a political crisis of that magnitude would affect in a severe way the economy, that that in its opinion, it would not inhibit to LEA of carrying out its Machiavelli plan, since in front of that crisis the loyalty of the “revolutionary family would be invoked", of which is not exempt the private sector that would have to bend before the accomplished facts “to reestablish the trust". Finally the ambassador without seeking it captured in his diplomatic cables the atmosphere made scarce politician of the step from a Mexican president to another.
Responsibilities of the relationships bilateral diplomats
When visiting for second occasion the president from The States, Barack Obama (BO) to Mexico, with this action he gives beginning a clear rhetorical turn, in the bilateral thematic notebook on the combined actions of combat to the drug traffic inside the Merida Initiative, and an accent of both governments in the invigoration of the cooperation in commercial, economic, educational matter and oil company. In the press conference organized by EPN and BO, the president from The States points out that the near collaboration will continue with the Mexican authorities and when recognizing that “dozens of millions of Mexicans enrich the life of United States", "optimist" Mr. President was mentioning about the possibility of “achieving an integral migratory reformation” in the Congress of the American Union. In this context president BO'S presence is positive that when reconsidering the configuration in the bilateral relationship that has been a total subordination from the Mexican authorities to the Americans, and they mark the growing interference that has characterized the collaboration in all the environments that particularly concerns the Mexicans.
The Merida instrument is a political-commercial device that is formulated again its approaches of collaboration in intelligence, police and military, and that for the obtained results it has not been good to reduce the activities of the criminal bands, on the contrary it has multiplied them, and it has also given a picture to the one sustained deterioration of the public security and of the right state; that that particularly has taken to the abdication of sovereign imperious as regards intelligence, security, control of the territory, and procurement of justice. It is an instrument that obviously has endowed to the authorities of the neighboring country of an alibi to practice a non appropriate interference and it is good to rake the divisions, to duplicate functions and rivalries of the Mexican dependences of security and national defense. In this thread of information one lives a collapse of the right state, problem that persists beyond the purposes expressed by the government of EPN, and whose continuity of the “bankrupt state” is observed in great measure, in actions and omissions of Washington.
The inconsistency between the speech and the practice of the government of the neighboring country makes suppose the persistence of the drug traffic in Mexico and of the violence related with that phenomenon they are not necessarily undesirable perspectives for The States, in the measure in that they represent an excellent business opportunity for its arms industry, and the laundry of money; all the above-mentioned provides from a flow of constant resources to its financial institutions and they give its government a pretext for the interventionism. Finally it would be possible a turn change in the exercise of the simulation, a replacement of priorities, an abandonment of the characteristic moral double in front of this phenomenon and already transform into concrete actions the recognition achieved that the Mexican migrants constitute one of the main factors of the competitiveness of their economy. (La Jornada, política, p. 13, April 10, 2013).
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