sábado, 18 de mayo de 2013

The simulation of the educational labor

National The teachers reject the labor-educational reformation and they will act in consequence The simulation of the educational labor reformation By: Carlos Damian April 22, 2013 The federal government sends federal forces to support the repression in Guerrero State Mexico. - The protests of the teaching of Guerrero State have gone “too far away, we reject them and of course we will act in consequence in back to the state action", the secretary of Department of the Interior, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong (MAOC) sustained it, who considered that the government of that entity still has the capacity to drive this problem. The responsible for the internal politics said that there are solution¨"a path is the dialogue; another is to preserve the right state. I know that there has been any quantity of manifestations in that there is not government answer to what is happening. It is a local environment. I have heard the governor to say that it won't have impunity that they leave to take actions in this respect, I hope it is this way." He ratified the federal government's disposition of supporting Guerrero's leader. "It will send federal forces so that in the case that is necessary they intervene", he said. On the other hand, secretary MAOC referred to the Pact for Mexico, on which considered that it has not still been overcome completely the crisis. "We have to work so that it can be solved the topic from the public resources to federal level and also that in the states they are used in back to the Mexican families and they weren’t used as instruments of electoral politics". MAOC recognized that there have been complaints in most of the states that have elections, “what forces us to make elections that they go beyond the joint". He considered necessary to shield the elections in the 14 entities where there will be elections July 7, for what the political parties and the federal government coincided in leaving this topic behind. Social organizations take the social protest to the DF Interrogated on if this is a ratification of the backing that president Enrique Pena Nieto gave to the secretary of Social Development, Rosario Robles (you don't worry, Rosario"), he said that he is had a sensitive leader “that he see the pact for Mexico like an instrument that it is favoring the Mexicans, and that starting from it all that damages to the agreements, all that hurts to the prosecution of the pact, can be solved". Members of the Front of Organizations in Defense of the Public Education (Fodep) that contains to diverse communities of the Mexico State, they went of the Angel de la independencia to the official residence of Los Pinos residence to show against the “criminalization of the social protest and the application of the educational reformation." Monica Martinez Calvo, teacher and member of the Fodep, highlighted that “there are clear signs that the social protest is criminalized. It is not wanted that the society differs of the actions that impel the state and federal administrations". Neither we agree with an educational reformation that it has not taken into account to the teaching the enormous cultural and social differences that face our schools", she highlighted. The leader of the Movement of National Regeneration (Morena), Marti Batres Guadarrama (MBG), he said in compensation that the responsibility of that happened is of who from the Pact for Mexico, they approved an educational reformation that attempts against the labor stability of the teachers. MBG noticed finally that the federal government has shown an enormous political inability to solve the magisterial conflict, because they have not taken advantage the institutional beds to dialogue with the educational ones. MBG noticed finally on the fact that the members of the one mentioned Pact can come to an agreement, but don't arrive to consents with the workers of the education. "This is, they have not been shown capacity to make a pact with those of below ones". He called to thoroughly revise the topic of the educational reformation, with the participation of all the involved sectors, to carry out a true change in the country. It would be question that in the Pact for Mexico the effects of the educational reformation were discussed under the labor conditions of the educational ones. But also “how they will be reflected in the classroom, because a teacher that works by the piece - work, without any protection of their worker rights and with a formation and faulty training, it is condemned to the educational – labor failure." Meanwhile with the drug dealers-violence loosened outside of all control, now the electoral delinquency masquerades of ‘Crusade against the Hunger’, with the delinquency of white neck awaiting financial reformations that allow debtors to press more of on foot to continue benefitting to the elites (oligarchy), with the big managers adjusting business to make comfortable to the reformation of EPN, the national attention is induced to act against those 'vandal teachers' of Guerrero State, guilty of the national misfortune, evaders of taxes, salespersons of the beaches, and territorial fringes of the frontier, they are indignant by anything in the world that is worthwhile, and future buyers of Pemex and unchaste members of the educational cartel of the SNTE. Students that fight to be entitled another time to a work position inside the educational national system (SEP), but now they have been discarded and they have snatched them their work as teachers. The return of the PRI The conditions of the Mexican workers' life don't only continue deteriorating for the generation of employments of low remuneration, when prevailing the outsourcing and the increase in the prices of the ‘basic basket’ - the basic pantry for a Mexican family -, but rather they have even worsened for the labor reformation that today seeks to legalize all those noxious practices. The abuses against the great majority of the labor force of the country will be increased with the reformations to the Federal Law of the Work that they legalize the precariousness, they limit basic rights, as that of strike, they eliminate the stability in the employment and they stop the free union association. Everything it, breaks the balance of forces completely among workers and boss, and certainly in favor of the bosses, and it causes this fact multiple violations to the feeding rights, the housing, the social security, the education, the healthy environment and the culture rights, that which is already being documented in the audience on labor rights of the Permanent Tribunal of the Towns. The negative effects of the reformations will take place in the environment that is already for itself precarious that left Felipe Calderon’s six years, where the infantile labor exploitation continued, they became worse the abuses in the mines where it is a feigned labor slavery, and the purchasing power of the wage to buy the products of the ‘basic basket’ it fell until by 40 percent. In spite of the adverse conditions, the report highlighted that the previous year there were important experiences of union fight. The electricians have not abandoned their demand that the CFE is declared its boss substitute. The federal government has several structural lines with the objective of legalizing the outsourcing, to limit the right to strike and to annul the workers' historical conquests, those which now seek to be legalized with the reformations to the LFT, for what calls you to the independent unions to continue fought to avoid these abuses. The modifications look for to dismantle the basic rights of the workers, and it concluded that the labor politics of Calderon not only continuous applying it in the current six years, but rather it is also made in an aggressive way, using the own law to attack to the labor and educational class. (La Jornada, política, p. 6-12, April 16, 2013).

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