sábado, 31 de mayo de 2014

The petroleum with artificial anemia

Congress: principle of Peter Pan
The petroleum with artificial anemia
By: Carlos Damian                                         July 1, 2014
The case of the medical Jose Manuel Mireles in Michoacan
Mexico. - Although the Mexican State with their bankrupt position and failure’s strategy has repeated the sad history of Pemex, to suffocate it financially, when getting in debt it prevents it to be developed as any company, and Treasury makes it appear like an entity of the State that “registers red numbers", every day, every month, and every year. For thirty years that the State “removed to the money coming from the petroleum” in its public finances and as it made it for presidential ordinance this is one more than the factory of lies of the Mexican State. But the federal government demands due to this stranger situation created to remove him until the last penny, and it also demands it an additional payment so that when covering it he gets in debt more and more. Result: Pemex reported “another time", "losses". He goes that situation so strange and stupid. However this taken out situation of the books of Kafka, it is the financial synthesis of all the companies that were property of the Mexican State.

But he sees the absurdity about Pemex of the independent consultant, Fluvio Cesar Ruiz Alarcon that he explains to us like in 2013 "Pemex delivered to (SHCP) Treasury 57 thousand 600 million dollars for concept of taxes, rights and uses". When keeping in mind that “in 2015, of going into effect the Law of the Mexican Fund of the Petroleum, Pemex would be forced to pay 54 thousand 933 million dollars. Adding the obligations of payment of this law and of the revenues it has more than enough Hydrocarbons; practically there is not any fiscal relief” so that they transformed it, as they say the cheerful goldfinches of the State, in “productive company of the State". With the situations that have been seen we can say, without fear to make a mistake that: "they stay the oil rent from the public finances to expense of Pemex, and at the same time the oil rent of the new future production places is shared". For if it was little, with the structural reformation, Pemex will continue being factor of adjustment of the national bills without autonomy budgetary, and the proposed corporate government would be subject, without counterbalance, to the federal executive." 

Perhaps like the consultant emphasizes, the content of the "reformation" should be revised, because “it doesn't exist fiscal symmetry and regulatory between Pemex and the operators (transnational) private”; a discretionally of the Secretary of Energy exists in the Zero Round; there are revocable assignments without due process. The decisive weight of the SHCP in the determination of the budget; rigid financial balance; they stay the limits of deduction of costs from 205; obligation of developing not very profitable projects; delivery of geologic information and interpreted geophysics (free to the transnational ones) and impossibility of choosing their strategic partners. The science and technology are the big absences, and there is not any reflection on the institutes of investigation of the energy sector". The above-mentioned is applicable to a company property of the State that is counted among the most important in the world in revenues, production, export and in reservations and that it highlights internationally for their reduced production costs, exploration and development, although at the same time they have been devoted to squeeze until the last drop, and more that have left it financially anemic. It is for the posterity the screams of the goldfinches with cheerful bills, Pemex “will compete in equality of circumstances and opportunities with the new investors."

The Mireles’ case
A month and half after their official death, the self-defenses from Michoacan advances (6/27/14), and another time without the government's blessing. Yesterday, about 300 armed men, with the physician Jose Manuel Mireles to the head they took ‘La Mira’, town of strategic location since it is the door of Lazaro Cardenas as to it highway it drives to the municipalities of Arteaga and Tumbiscatío, both bastions of the only objective of high value that it continues free. Servando Gomez ’La Tuta’. This action the doctor was supported by the group of self-defense of Aquila, Coahuyana and Chinicuila that dominate the coast of the entity. Once installed in La Mira, Mireles conversed largely with inhabitants of the place that came closer to greet him and in the afternoon it headed a popular assembly. In this meeting he remembered that this Friday it will be integrated the civic council that would be to the control of the local self-defense.

He affirmed that the extortions, the kidnappings and other crimes continue in the state, as it proves it the case of Santiago Moreno, police of the murdered rural force last week together with their wife and their three children smaller than age. In dialogue with residents of La Mira, the medical from Michoacan said that they found out the attack and immediately they were organized to go in its help. However, elements of the Mexican army impeded them to pass because they went armed, and the excellent work of the soldiers went to take him pictures to the badges and registrations of our cars, that it is the work of the honorable army, and clearing they didn't pursue Santiago Moreno's murderers. Mireles rejected to admit that Moreno was a former sorry ‘templario’. "What I know is that since the movement began he put on to you order them of the town and he always went to the front. In the confrontation of Aguililla, Santiago saved me the life, and in Tancítaro the van in which traveled he was the first one in receiving big shot grenades."

For the state government's pressure he had stopped to use the armored van that took to the crashes with The ‘templarios gentlemen’, as Mireles says. To the edge of 11 in the morning, about five military vehicles arrived to the place and their occupants cohabited during a while with the self-defenses they stop and then to retire. Not very before, Mireles insisted: "We don't want confrontations with the government, we don't have any intention of confronting us, but if they don't want to help us that is not in the way". The uniformed self-defenses (belonging to the rural force) they responded in their spokesman's voice, Estanislao Beltran (Pitufo Dad) who in an interview in the place 'Cricketnauts’ suggested that the Government should act against those who took La Mira, because they are "criminals", of people that has particular interests and that they look for “to keep the port (Lazaro Cardenas) to manage it to their whim." According to Pitufo Dad (Beltran), the men that accompany to Mireles “they are expelled of the movement of self-defenses”. They are those from ‘Caleta de Campos’, those that murder without risk to five people", he said in reference to the crash of final of April in the Chuquiapan town. The commandant of the rural force accused to Mireles of to receive money that the compatriots that reside in United States give in good faith and to only use it for his personal benefit. Beltran was at least twice in la Mira before that the 155 “false self-defenses” were stopped: him same it had organized them. By the way, in those visits it bothered him that inhabitants of this place made him insistently a question. And, When does Mireles comes? (La Jornada, politica, p. 3, June 27, 2014).

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