martes, 25 de febrero de 2014
The groups of civic defense
The military three deads of the operative one in Tierra Caliente
The groups of civic defense
By: Carlos Damian January 17, 2014
The citizens ignored, to what the soldiers went in Michoacan
Mexico. - The federal police (PF, their initials in Spanish) it assumed the afternoon of Tuesday (1/14/14) the works of security in Nueva Italia, municipal head of Mugica, in coadyuvancy with the self-defense groups, which will carry out patrols will settle escape points, without carrying firearms. The agreement was reached after a private meeting of four hours in the city council, among controls of the PF the mayor of Mugica, Casimiro Quezada, and the inhabitants' representatives of that demarcation. During the encounter, commandants of the PF requested to the residents that give them a vote of trust so that they are the federal agents who combat to the organized crime. After the encounter, Quezada came out to the main square to inform the citizens that waited in the place, those which when listening the news, they threw hurrahs and they applauded the decision. Later some users of Facebook manifested in the webpage valor por Michoacan SDR, their approval for the agreement reached with the PF. "Brother, we are very happy because you reached an agreement with the PF and Army that will follow the barricades and it goes to have in each one of them seven of our community ones in support for them (…) we have to be watchful to blow the bells of the church to leave to support. Spirit my New Italy, yes one could, yes we can."
One day after the bankrupt intent of the Army of dismantling the groups of self-defense of New Italy, and their neighbor, the public land of Antunez, municipality of Paracuaro, in which died three people at least, the streets of those towns shone semi-vacuous and the shops didn't open up. The only visible movements were those of the groups of surveillance put down in the center of the demarcations, in the entrances and in the surroundings. In Antunez, located to 10 kilometers of New Italy, it was observed to more than a hundred members of the self-defenses, among them Estanislao Beltran (EB), leader and the community guards' spokesman in the region. EB says that in any moment there was a confrontation among the Council of United self-defenses (CAU), and the army the night of Monday (1/13/14). According to the version of EB, between the 20 and 21 hours the soldiers arrived to Antunez with the intention of dismantling to the community ones, but about 3 thousand inhabitants impeded them your pass. Before the resistance, the military ones tried to refold the villagers by means of blows and pushes, but it was in vain. Then they carried out shots, first to the air and later against people, killing three people, among them to a 11 year-old girl, that that later the existence of three deceased was verified.
The residents install you redeye without carrying weapons
Residents' testimonies confirmed the version of EB. They related that they waited the soldiers to the entrance of Antúnez. When they arrived, they expressed them their negative to be dismantled, with the argument that they would be defenseless, before the criminal organization of those 'Caballeros Templarios' (CT). The military ones tried unfruitful to refold the multitude and later they shot. EB assured that in any moment the elements of the Army took possession of the weapons of CAU and he reiterated that they will give them until the federal government stops the main leaders of the CT, among them: la Tuta, el Chayo, el Quique Plancarte and el Tucan. Meanwhile, the spokesman of the community guards noticed: "we will continue advancing and we hope the government understands our reason, they are in our risk lives and those of our families". It highlighted that the fight has not still begun, because although the organization CAU has presence in more than 20 municipalities of the tierra caliente, Sierra Occidental and Costa, Apatzingan continues a lot in hands of the CT and lack to make". “Like it wants to negotiate the government when it has not stopped none of the leaders, the authorities know where they are, but is evident that they have not wanted to stop them", the spokesman of the community watches pointed.
On the other hand a merchant in the portals in Apatzingan says: "they are mistaken if they believe that they give us more trust with the presence of federal; people are afraid, the city is in crisis and it won't be solved this way the situation". The governor Fausto Vallejo in Morelia highlighted the appointment of the new commissioner of the PF for Michoacan, the lieutenant colonel Carlos Manuel Salcedo Carrillo, and 11 intermediate controls that will be correspondents to the different regions of the entity to return the order and the public peace to the citizens. In the morning in Apatzingan, strangers placed several blankets in pedestrians’ bridges in those that demand the exit of armed groups, since “Michoacan doesn't need invaders". The messages were not signed. At noon, integral of the organized crime they tried to destroy with a machine that it opens the gutter on the bridge Las Delicias, that communicates Apatzingan with Tepalcatepec, but they only damaged one way of the bridge. In this context of confrontation violence, the priest in charge of the bishopric of Apatzingan, Gregorio Lopez (GL), he said that the city lives a state without governability, because it is the organized delinquency the one that governs.
The priest considered that he doesn't make sense that the federal and state governments try to dismantle to the self-defense groups when they are them those that have been able to expel members of the criminal organization in some months 'The Caballeros Templarios". The presence of federal policemen here is as a theater to support the governor Fausto Vallejo". It is not enough the presence neither the effectiveness, said. "Here those that decide the justice and the form of life are: la Tuta, el Quique, and el Chayo, and nobody has made anything", he added. It leaves of the names of the criminal organization they are: Arturo Plancarte Solis, Armando Gomez, Martin (la Tuta), Dionicio Loya Plancarte, Nazario Moreno Gonzalez, Arturo Cruz Mendoza, Jesus Vazquez Macías (the Chicano), Moral Nazario Gonzalez who gave origin to the doctrine of the ‘Templarios’, Humberto Zurita Reyes the criminal operator that investigates the merchants requesting 500 thousand pesos and their Christmas gift, among others. Later on the troops of the Army and of the PF around the 14 hours entered to the facilities of municipal public security of Uruapan, where they went to lock in the barracks to the whole operative personnel for a revision of routine of the used armament.
Confusion and manipulation of figures
Although since the episode begins the federal forces have been assumed as referees of the operative one that it seems car exoneration, the true criminals they have not been played and the x-governor's presence seems a tragicomedy. The versions of the Council of the self-defenses (CAU), they assure that the criminals were alerted so that they abandoned the urban areas and they took refuge in the neighboring mountain, hoping the forces of the federation were confronted with the CAU and it dismantled them. The federal government's central objective was the CAU, and in that road they were retiring weapons, cartridges and weapons, rifles until in Antunez they met with the population's resistance, murdering three people, that which denounced a bloody Monday, and a massacre against the population that refused to give its weapons and to leave to its houses to leave that the government accomplice, and useless charge of the disaster was taken that suffer in Hot Earth for thirteen years. But at the two of the dawn of Tuesday they changed the orders and according to www.facebook/@valor for Michoacan, in Twitter the weapons were returned to members of the CAU that installed their protection routines again. All this in a theater of lingering farce, where the federal ones and the army supposedly retired and they took the possession of the area, the governor forced by the circumstances to be in Apatzingan, and the government secretary installed as major in boss of this work called ‘second war against the drug traffic’. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6 - 7, January 15, 2014).
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