sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013

The system becomes austere

National Of the words to the facts The system becomes austere By: Carlos Damian December 13, 2012 The establishment doesn't advance any change, everything will continue the same as before Mexico. – The federal government announced on Monday (12/10/12), a series of measures “for the efficient, transparent and effective use of the public speeches, and of the actions of budgetary discipline in expense public's exercise", among which figures, a reduction of 5 percent to the perceptions of the controls means and superiors of the public administration, the freezing of recruiting of personal eventual or for honorarium, it except in cases of “not foreseen increment of activities” of some dependence. The cancellation of “homologous positions to those of structure", as well as the realization, in the federal government's instance, of diagnoses on their organic structure, internal processes and operative expenses. Such purposes are positive, in principle, in front of the levels without limits to that the federal government's average expense has arrived, unjustifiable in any circumstance, especially in the one that crosses the country at the moment, characterized clearly by an economic growth insufficient and for the inability or lack of will of the Executive to fulfill their basic obligations toward the population in matters like: security, education, health and promotion of the development. By the light of the results it can be said that in recent decades Mexico has suffered a too expensive and tragically inefficient government, and that the public budget whose dimensions run even with those of the corruption, far from being a factor for the development, he has become one more than their obstacles. The bureaucracy without alteration The proposal presented by the SHCP (Treasure Department), is inertial, and in accordance with an analysis of the Center of Investigation in Economy and Business (CIEN, in Spanish) of the ITESM, the proposal Treasure contemplates an increase of the average expense of 6.2 percent and of only 2.6 percentage points in investment, before that which, it considered, it is evident that it conserves the fundamental structure of that built by the previous government. A similar conclusion comes off when one observes that the personal services report an increment of 6.3 percent, marking for it that the bureaucratic structure will remain without losing temper. Although the field of social development has an increase in its budget, in fact most (94 percent of the total) it is for the average expense. In opposition to the above-mentioned, essential sectors for the infrastructure development were punished, as that of communications and transports that it has a proposal of almost 800 million dollars less to that assigned in 2012. The project of budget of expenditures of 2013 the gift increases, the social assistance and the poverty in the field, don't foment the productive activity of the agriculture neither it eradicates the hunger. For the Barzon (NGO), it is an inertial proposal in which they are not adopted any change. The government proposed for the Program Special Concurrent 211.4 million USD that they represent a decrement of almost 2 percent in comparison to that approved this year. Rocio Miranda, leader of the UFIC, exhorted the legislators to fulfill the agreement political sign it with diverse organizations in the senate, and it cannot continue importing foods that have cost to the treasury more than 26 thousand 500 million dollars. The resources pointed out in the Budget of Expenditures 2013 for the Secretary of External Relationships (SRE, in Spanish) it will be of 463.16 million USD. Of not having changes during the discussion of the economic package that the SHCP (Treasure Department) presented, it will mean an increase of 13.6 percent regarding that assigned for the year that finishes. This variation will allow to the chancellery to adjust the payment of personal services to the exchange rate in front of the dollar and the Eurus, among other foreign currencies, in the case of the personnel assigned abroad to the representations of the country. The budget privileges the gift The government of EPN determined a cutting of 5 percent to the salaries and wages of the “jobs middles and superiors” of the federal public administration, as well as to freeze any recruiting of personal eventual or for honorarium. The measure that will go into effect starting from 2013, will affect to more than 71 thousand 800 public servants that have a work position included in the definition of “jobs middles and superiors". Until that year, those jobs consisted to the treasury, according to SHCP, more than 3 thousand 230.7 million dollars, with what the impelled saving would be about the 161.53 millions. It is pertinent to remember that six years ago, in the first days of December of 2006, Calderon announced a cutting of 10 percent to the revenues of the jobs middle and high of the federal government, measure that, in the face of the waste and the frivolity of its administration, it turned out to be mere splendor of propaganda of six years federal administration beginning. Although Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, offered to clip the wages of the high federal officials in half, action that had already applied in the government of the D. F., among 2001 and 2005 that it allowed significant savings in to the administration of the nation’s capital. We cannot catch the corruption but the public service has become a privilege space and of accentuation of the intolerable social inequalities that characterize the contemporary Mexico. Certainly that the country requires with urgency a politics of austerity, not only for economic reasons but also political: the maintenance of the apparatus of the State relapses in its biggest part in the less favored sectors and in the middle classes, which have come facing regular rises in the taxes, rates, gasoline and they have experienced an unjustifiable fall in the quality and the extension of the government services. To the long one, this situation will be translated in social irritation, and in having summarized bills, in narrowing of the governability margins. The mere announcement of measures of austerity constitutes an encouraging sign, although it is necessary to pass from the words to the facts, to adopt measures that they go beyond the advertising purposes and really reduce the government's cost and increase its effectiveness, and it is necessary that this makes of the saving and the rationality in the expense a politics for six years. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 6- 18, December 10, 2012).

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