domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012
The fiscal discrimination
The town of Mexico hopes the fiscal injustice is already corrected
The fiscal discrimination in the country
By: Carlos Damian September 3, 2012
The control of the wages has been impelled to be inflationary
Mexico. – In accordance with a study elaborated by the Studies’ Center of Public Finances of the Chamber of Deputies (CEFP, in Spanish), the taxes applied to the wages in Mexico are of the lowest in the Organization for the Cooperation and the Economic Development (OCED), to which belongs the country. Next, the document affirms that that situation that is presented as “competitive advantage” of the country, for the neoliberal government. This situation is conjugated like one of the smallest salary levels among the nations that integrate the mentioned organization, circumstance for which “a Mexican worker perceives the fifth part of what can win in nations like Holland."
It is expected that there is salary correction
Bear in mind from the outset, the statement that the tax level of the entrance in Mexico is from the lowest to international scale it is deceiving when being compared with the deep fiscal inequity that prevails still in the country, and with the existence of a corresponding obligation, and we will mention to the tax on the rent (VAT) that is designed to get paid with efficiency and rigor to the salary earners, to the professions’ men, to the micro-enterprises and small companies. However it is unacceptable the fiscal discrimination that they get paid with laxity to the corporate ones, and to the big personal fortunes. Indeed in contrast with the unforgivable indulgence that characterizes the Federal Executive for several six years time in front of the big national and foreign magnates, and to their consortia, the captive taxpayers suffer luck of on fiscal exploitation.
Significantly while a salary earner average should surrender until 30 percent of its revenues for concept of VAT, in 2010 the 30 main companies that operate in the country only paid on the average the equivalent one to 10 percent of their utilities. Regarding the wages in Mexico, it is pertinent to remember that its location in the lowest levels to international scale is later consequence of a deliberate politics of contention of the entrance, setting in practice for the administrations of the neoliberal cycle that it began being of anti-inflationary reason, it was presented as way to impel the profitability, the productivity, and to attract investments. Now it stays as inertia that doesn't require of rational arguments, and one of the main obstacles has become for an effective re-activation of the internal market and a perceptive and solid economic recovery.
The prejudicial and artful labor picture for the Mexicans
The initiative of reformation labor correspondent last Saturday (9/1/12), for president Felipe Calderon to the Congress of the Union, with “preferable character", it proposes changes that would put an end to the workers' fundamental rights, as that of strike: also, it gives white letter to the outsourcing, it outlines temporary contracts, and it reduces even more the remunerations for the labor sector; even, the patterns could hire per hour to the workers to reason of 8 (0.53 dollar) or 9 pesos (0.6 dollar), if the job is of minimum wage. "That is to say, one will be able to say hired a person that is taken still to their daily, or better house 18 pesos (1.2 dollar), 27 pesos (1.8dollar) for two or three hours of work. It is unheard this government's labor cynicism."
Labor specialists sustained that the labor cynicism and the kind words to the workers in those headed of the reformation they don't stop to be the neoliberal government's good purposes, and they alerted that this initiative evidences that the only thing that the leader cared in this six years time was “to put an end to the rights of the workers", as well as to pave him the one in route to the employer sector to eliminate the payment of labor benefits (welfare). The labor reformation has been baptized as “initiative Lozano", impelled to initiative for the previous work Minister Javier Lozano Alarcon, turns out to be a recycled project of those presented by the PAN and then for the PRI. The essence is the same one: to attack the labor rights, to impose contracts for indefinite time to remove the security in the employment, to leave without protection some to the workers, to put an end to the strike right, to reduce the discharges, to impose a maximum of a year of payment for fallen wages when the trials lengthen, to make impossible to change the ownership of the collective contracts and some more prejudicial things to the workers.
The labor reformation is a dirty work in charge to Calderon
The specialist in labor topics Manuel Fuentes exposes that the payment per hours would put an end to the payment of compensations, it would introduce an outline of reduced journeys and of partition of the wage, as well as the recruiting without commitments neither obligations on the part of the bosses. It also impels that the workers cannot get paid a year of fallen wages in the conflicts that leave in long trials. In fact the reformation has the purpose of putting an end to the strike concept and the right of free association, clipping with a scissor the Federal Law of the Work.
In moments in that the new cycle legislative's inauguration is accompanied by a renovated zeal to advance in the approval of the calls “structural reformations", included those that concern the treasury and labor district environments. Although it is pertinent to think about if what the country requires is a deeply it of the same guidelines that have led to the national economy to the prostration state and inequity in that it is. If it could the town to have option it would demand, economic model change that has been continued by thirty years, and it has been dictated, mainly for the local managerial headquarter, the international financial organisms and the transnational capitals. Although this possibility is remote they would have to include, in forced form, the unjust valid fiscal discriminatory politics’ correction, and the application of significant salary rises, and not in fact so that the country improves in the comparative ones international, but so that it has solid bases and assure its viability. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 4-8, September 3, 2012).
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