The feast an invention of the federal government
By: Carlos Damián June 3, 2011
The legislators reproach one option for the Mexican youth only
México. - To recover the honor of the "good policemen", Genaro Garcia Luna, leadership of the SSP, it announces that was decreed 2 of June as the day of the policeman, exactly two years after the creation of the federal policeman (PF). He explained that without damage of the form in which the entities or institutions devote to honor to their policemen, federal SSP is obligated to recognize labor that perform their/its integrating and will deliver in distinctions ceremony.
It warned that this labor not only competes to the government but to the society. To convince the population, he argued: "Only united us will achieve that the policeman let of be and to seem a discredited occupation and to convert it into what must be, a reputable profession that possession of the respect of the people, a real civic priesthood of who are even risking its life to the service of the other". It insisted in which the states should it as profession to its effective so that they could put term to the " elegant presence, generous and patriotic" in the armed forces on labors in internal safety.
" National Heroes"
Deputies (popular representatives) of the PRI, PRD, and PT they criticized the celebration of the Day of the Policeman decreed by Felipe Calderon; Arturo Zamora, Teresa Inchaustegui and Pedro Vazquez agreed that the recognition to the Federal Policeman (PF), "is an invention that help does not to reverse the corruption problem in that corporation, Genaro Garcia Luna would have to resign and be converted into entrepreneur of the spectacle, because before the scarce results of the combat to the criminality the government has determined to make theatre and intrigues".
The deputy PRI- man Arturo Zamora, integrating of the Public Security Commission, incisively criticized to Calderon. "Our youth of this country can not have as expectation of future that of auto - to care to the society or be cared they same. It seems myself that would be very tragic to think that only we may have this expectation, because is a way of recognizing that we do not have other type of persons in the society that want to form part of the police bodies, by the risks that this means, and by the supports lack".
Of part of Teresa Incháustegui, legislating by the PRD, it retorted before the presidential celebration: "What would have to get are occupational rights for the policemen, because are excluded of all the social rights". "As do not have other rule more than what say the commanders, then the agents make what says their commanding, and if they them say that one must to violate the law, since make it".
According to the coordinator of the legislators group of PT, Pedro Vazquez, "it should be to recognize to the elements that work honestly for the good behavior of the citizens, but it condemned the illegal actions of an important sector of the PF that is found conspired with the organized crime. This can be a strategy of Calderon to achieve to have some benefit mediatic".
Policeman’s Day
Calderon recognizes labor of the executive of the police chief, Genaro Garcia Luna, "because it has been code to begin the deep transformation of the PF in a professional body devoted to serve and protect to the community". Little timely results the recognition to an official that faces, with founded motives, to the critiques of a wide sector of the civil society and of the political class. His wrong image not only it is consequence of a lacking performance that is manifested in the public safety crisis that travels the country as a horse led as a consequence of the actions of the groups of the organized delinquency and of the disastrous governmental strategy to combat them, but of a submissive attitude toward the American authorities, and it more recent, of the breach manifesto to the constitutional arrangement that conditions the acceptance and the use of foreign decorations to the validation of the Congress.
In this circumstance the recognition gives an insensibility message for the population, the one which has been, in order to accounts, the principal affected by the current public safety disaster. Yet more serious: to praise it the work of a police chief as an official that finishes of be protagonist a contempt to the Great Letter is converted into a disdain message to the legal framework, outstanding and of lack of commitment with the culture of the legality, one of the most appealed slogans of the administration of Calderon.
Wrong message
In the referring point to eradicate, it discredit that surrounds to the police career, fits to recall us that such perception is not free, but it is the result of the numerous cases of corruption and complicity with criminal bands, documented in the strings of the different level corporations, included the federal; of the recurrent accusations by violations to the penal procedure assignments by integrating of those instances, and of the constant violations to the national and foreign citizen human rights in those which have been seen involved municipal police bodies, also state and federal police body.
Certainly in a context of democratic normality of institutional strength and of full force of the legality, the policeman work can be an occupational option and of professional development as to any other; but in the current national circumstance, the invitation to the fact that the " national youths" are integrated to that career equals to put them to mercy of the generalized violence and of criminal and corruptive practices that prevailed them inside and outside of those corporations, and to make them participants, with the foregoing, of the generalized institutional decomposition and of the daily blood bath that suffers the nation.
In this road, the policy underway against the delinquency is projected as an undesirable nation model, a chaotic model in the one which will be high-priority the creation of police charges by on the training of new professional. More it would yield, in any event, to change of strategy of decrease war intensity additionally option. (La Jornada, política, p. 3, June 3, 2011).
miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011
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