miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

The corruption of the National Migration Institute

It is sought to stop the corruption of the organization
The corruption of the National Migration Institute
By: Carlos Damián May 23, 2011
The migrants accusation of untruthful operative to deliver them to Cartels
México. - The Governance Secretariat ordered to dismiss to seven delegates of the National Institute of Migration (INM), as part of purification to attempt to stop the corruption in this organization. In so much, the leadership of the governance Secretariat (SG), (Minister) Jose Francisco Blake Mora, warned to all the state delegates of the INM that there will not be tolerance for the public servants that violate the law. The penal processes of six of they, agents of INM as presumed accomplices in the migrants kidnapping, was integrated a plan to reinforce the on the up and up controls as mechanisms to identify and denounce to who are accomplices with the criminals.

The accusation of the own victims about the existence of untruthful operative of migrant agents, to put to the undocumented on hands in the criminals , it apprehended the official alerts and advising of Governance, who of urgent way delineated an action plan, yet when already have to bead knowledge of the existence of the accusations in against of the personal. According to officials of INM were they who put at the disposal of the General office of the prosecutor of the Republic (PGR) praises accused agents, six of 16 presumed responsible for aggression to migrant, between these Mexicans and foreign.

Will take SG the command of the actions of the INM
The investigations of part of the SG, they have derived in dismissals and administrative and penal investigations. Act attended in the salon Juarez of Bucareli, about 28 delegates except for Chihuahua and Dwell them. According to the information achieved the dismissed delegates such as: Tamaulipas, Veracruz, Tabasco, Oaxaca, Mexico State, San Luis Potosí and Quintana Roo, they will be certified files to investigate them also they would have to of investigating to 5 thousand personnel of the INM.

Legislating of the PRI demanded to put penal responsibilities to the delegates of the INM dismissed May 12, 11 due to the accusations of the Central American immigrants in the one which the agents were accomplices with the organized delinquency. The simple dismissal is a premium since is them released and is them shipment to the temporary exile community waiting giving them other charge, and furthermore is hidden the corruption from management of the current general secretariat of the PAN, Cecilia Romero Castillo.

It is investigated to the agents of the INM sanctioning them with high due to jail degree of corruption that it has permeated between the migration authorities of the country. There is a laxity to sanction assignment crimes with migrant of part of the federal government occurring frequently in the country and many are remained without punishment, though some as the recent case of the Hondurans were recaptured by the Mexican Army after that migrant authorities deliver them to squadrons of the death.

To clean the house or to follow simulating the corruption
According to the bulletin that issued the INM, the arrangement form part of a process of "purification" of the INM. According to Salvador Beltran, leadership of the INM, informed that thousand 200 of 5 thousand 400 officials of the governmental organization, they will be submitted to exams; that 200 migrant agents were separated of their charges and that 40 will be processing by the penal route. These supposed removals will have to be checked with the massive migrant kidnappings, a phenomenon so extended that so only between April and September of 2010 have been documented about 178 episodes by the National Commission of the Human Laws (CNDH), those which have derived in the illegal freedom privation (kidnapping), from 11 thousand 333 persons.

Furthermore they should be considered the words of the ombudsman national, Raul Plascencia, in the sense of the fact that this calculation would be conservative, taking into account in fact that "the nature of the offense and the vulnerability situation in the one which is found the migrant population hinder to know the whole the kidnapping events". Still without be projected the figures mentioned in the four years that they have elapsed of the six years of federal administration of Calderon probably the number would ascend to more than 90 thousand but results unlikely that the figure cited by the CNDH could occur without the knowledge of many public officials that now they are processed: it is unavoidable to suspect that the denounced agents are the top of the iceberg of an institutional decomposition and probably a complicity standard between criminal bands and officials of the INM.

Horror and terror of the official’s corruption
We could ask us the official recognition of the need of a “obligated filter" in the INM as well as arrangements adopted in police corporations indicated by the violations and vexation accusations against migrant. We must take the expressions made by the priest Alejandro Solalinde and by the victims of these vexations in the sense of the fact that several agents of the federal Policeman and state and municipal alertness forces have been indicated by the national citizens kidnapping and even foreign.

Finally if the government has the political will to moralize to the corporations involved in the managing and mistreatment to migrant, it is necessary that the inquiries and sanctions against criminal that act as officials of the INM will be sent to the jails of the federation, and are widened to other governmental dependencies. If this would be opposite, the society will not be right to see in the announced dismissals somewhat more than a measure of control of damages of the federal government, or in any event will be seen as an advertising ploy of the federal administration as leadership Felipe Calderon. (La Jornada, cultura, p.p. 2-9, May 13, 2011).

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