lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010

JJSC by "his life of godlike" on PEMEX

Recognize JJSC before deputy losses by more than 80 billion in Pemex
The legislators claim to JJSC by "his life of godlike"
By: Carlos Damián November 18, 2010
Emphasize PT 57 international trips in class premier in three years of JJSC
México. – The general director of Mexican Oils (Pemex), Juan Jose Suarez Coppel informed the Deputies Chamber that the principal company of the country has losses by more than 5 thousand 333.33 million of dollars by the passive occupational and excessive tax rates, and requested 10thousand million of dollars to increase its profitability. In response to those statements, that form part of the fourth report of government of Felipe Calderon, president of Mexico, the deputies of the Party of the Work (PT), first Laura Itzel Castle (LIC) and then Mario di Constanzo (MDC), scoured in the face his excessive expenses of godlike of theatre.

These “sumptuary expenses" of the general director of Pemex, calls international trips to all luxury accomplished by the public official. LIC claimed to him the scarce operative results, to something which added that might have paid 3 thousand 933.33 dollars for a trip in class premier to London, where was moved in limousine to be lodged in a located castle front of the house of the queen Isabel II and then in Madrid by be spent several hundred of Euros on a dinner with two fine European wine bottle.

In his opportunity MDC crumbled: "Are 57 international trips in less than three years, where you arrived to produce the suite where film Sex and the City, in New York: you slept where they happened the honey moon the princes of Monaco; in Madrid paid 3 thousand 567 Euros in the Hotel Ritz, equivalent lots of money to the one which go to him to give to a “water-back” that worked all his life. It is a trip of excesses; you are the general director of the company of the Mexicans and not a vedette of cabaret. You travel to New York, Madrid, Paris, London and Arizona. We are a country where there are 60 million of poors, Mr. directing general".

However in spite to the claim of the legislators of the PT, JJSC was covered by the president of the Estate commission, and PAN-men Alberto Becerra Pocoroba, who urged it to be held in its response to the topic of the meeting, that is mean, to the annotation of the fourth report of government of Calderon. The opposition legislators were maintained concerned for lack of positive results in Pemex, in those five hours that lasted the meeting. This claim to the general director was by the difference between the figures that presents regularly the petroleum in their financial reports and those which were given in the presidential report.

The general director says be led with real figures
The legislating LIC spitfire "you lie", but JJSC was defended recalling his oath before the Estate commissions to be led with truth. In his report to the deputies JJSC informed that the operation yield before taxes is 49 percent better yield compared with the last year. "However, to the 30 of June of 2010 Pemex counts on a negative patrimony of more than 5 thousand 333.33 million of dollars, this mainly by the effect of our passive occupational". The magnitude of the losses reflects the difference that exists between the real costs and what is recognized in the deductions in the price to the producing, in addition to the subsidies to cover this operation. With these deficiencies he recognized that the petroleum will not achieve to produce 2 million 602 thousand barrels of crude oil per day, in so much are reduced the operative costs, included the occupational and a redefinition of the fiscal dealing and budgetary that always it has been loaded to Pemex.

Fall production of Cantarell 23% in this year
Cantarell, that it was the active principal producing of oil, had a crude production of only 497 thousand daily barrels in July of 2010, with what evidence an accrued fall of 23 percent what is going of the year, equivalent to 150 thousand barrels per day, with respect at average level of 647 thousand barrels day reached in 2009, reveal the elaborate monthly indicators and spread by the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH).

In this way it is verified that the decline of Cantarell is more accelerated of what is anticipated since were calculated than to the close of the present administration would be of about 600 to 700 thousand barrels per day. However in July of this year the production of Cantarell is located already below 500 thousand daily barrels. In the first semester of 2010 Cantarell sent to the atmosphere 403 million of daily cubic feet of gas, which represented an increase in 128.7 percent, volume superior to the goal established in the Operative Program of 176 million of cubic feet to the day.

it is increased loss of gas
Mexican Oils (Pemex) esteem that only during the last ten years its net present value, before taxes, reaches almost 2 billions dollars. Ku Maloob Zaap (KMZ) is located as compared to the coasts of Tabasco and Campeche, to 105 kilometer to the northeast of City of the Carmen, Campeche. Its history began with the discovery the field Ku in 1980 by the Well Ha-1a that began its production in March of 1981. Thereinafter they were discovered the fields Maloob in 1984 and Zaap in 1991. Ku Maloob it is certified by the fields Ku, Maloob, Zaap, Bacab and Lum, those which take their name in honor to the Mayan culture. (La Jornada, Economía, p. 28, 14 de Octubre, 2010)

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