sábado, 15 de mayo de 2010

Arizona & migration

Arizona & migration
By: Carlos Damian April 30, 2010
The Nazis American are encouraging other "nightmare of the 13 street"
The general secretary of the Organization of American States against the apartheid
México. – To The stages of the north frontier are complicated, to one and other sides, since the violence in Juarez City is added now the racist hatred campaign undertaken by the government of Arizona. From our watchtower seemed that not glad the Americans as has been converted to Mexico into a branch of the hell by the call "war of the drug-traffickers". Now they are encouraging other "nightmare of the 13 street" for the Mexicans in The States, before Mexican territory.

Indeed that the emanated governments from the PAN just as the previous five federal administrations with their inertia say us that "there is no nothing that to make" to be referred to the law SB 1090 of Arizona, against the migration without control some. These federal administrations watch with impotence the American initiatives that affect the Mexican interest, without be dared to outline an alternative, that goes beyond the resigned acceptance of the decisions that adopts the powerful neighboring of the bars and the stars, for let at least a resistance testimony or of reproof.

Reactions in the world before the apartheid American
It is of calling the attention, that on the other hand in the OAS, the law may have provoked the reactions of the Secretary-General of the Organization of American States (OAS), José Miguel Isunza, and of the headline of the Iberia-American General Secretariat, Enrique Iglesias. Both rejected it by discriminatory and racist, as well as because entrails or high potential of violation to the human rights. Jorge Bustamante it is questioned, for what the Mexican government has not denounced the case brings face to face international courts? (Reform, 28/4/10)

In rigor, laws as the approved in Arizona are the despaired attempt of the most conservative sectors (Tea Party) of U. S. A. to give the back to the incontrovertible reality, is assumed with an optical concealed of the issue of the safety associated with organized crime and with terrorism, however at this time is found an inflection point in the Mexican productive crisis and in the extended American recession.

Perceptions of the employment
According to the most recent presidential perception, the unemployment in Mexico under to 4.8%. Had raised the rate at more than 6%. On the other hand in United States, in spite of the fact that there are economic recoveries signs are maintained on 10%. The government of The States amends figures to avoid wrong interpretations, in Factbook, whose elaboration has to its cargo the Central intelligence Agency (CIA), introducing a suggestive note. It says that the population in age of working in Mexico is of 47 million of persons, the unemployment is of 5.6%, and adds: "The underemployment can be as high as 25%". Employment Addend and underemployment, the real unemployment rate would arrive to 30.6%. Almost 15 million of persons and not two and fraction as announce the Mexican federal government. Mexico is in the place 177 of 200 that encompasses the Factbook, it is one of the countries with greater unemployment of the planet. www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/mx.html (La Jornada, 26/4/10)

In Phoenix Arizona, we have a situation that it does not admit excuses, a racketeer called Joe Arpaio, has been reelected several times and his campaign offer is simple: to combat the immigration and the traffic of illegal. The feared Arpaio and its Nazis have received to stop to any people that not correspond to the type Anglo (wasp), to the jail. If but this jail is called tent city jail, concentration field whose cells are campaign houses made of canvas. With this invention of tragicomedy will not be necessary to lift costly other building, saved to it many million of dollars to the contributors. Obviously it does not have climate appliances, and in spring and summer the temperature rises to more than 104 degrees Fahrenheit.

The aggression
In this season the sheriff permits the convicts that are removed the trousers. The sheriff collecting the food to the prisoners and employs them to sweep the streets of the city. The sheriff and their Nazis have saved to it to the state something else: So that they do not escape the terrorist pardon the criminals put them on the ankles chain so that they don’t escape them of Abu Gharib II.

Response of the Mexican government could be that they cut the gas supply that in form accomplice and of delivery, supplies of gas to the southwest of the neighboring country, between them California and Arizona, violating it in flagrant form the arrangements of the article 27 constitutional Mexican. They were delivered by the government of Vicente Fox but they can be cut these sources of energy, letting of be our country the south machines cellar of The States and source of employment in the yankee army of Mexicans despaired by the citizenship. This matter has to do with our sovereignty, changing thus the rude, aggressive dealing and coercive to our peasant. (La Jornada, opinión, p. 23, 29 de Abril, 2010)

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