domingo, 9 de junio de 2013
Big brother
Edward Snowden, 29 years old: "I’m not afraid, I have not made anything bad"
Big Brother
By: Carlos Damian June 11, 2013
He knows that the government will look for to extradite him or to “kidnap him"
México. - The source responsible for one of the most dramatic filtrations in the political history of The States that today shakes Washington, revealed its identity and he said that its action was in defense of the rights of privacy and expression liberate in the face of the abuse of a “state of surveillance". He affirmed: "I don't want to live in a society that makes this type of stuff", and it indicated that it considers looking for asylum in a country that defends the freedom of speech. David Brooks continues in his report. "Little less than 24 hours after the director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, announced that the Department of Justice that had begun an investigation filtered the information on programs secrets of espionage of phone and cybernetic communications about who, the responsible one appeared with name and last name, for own decision, in The Guardian and the Washington Post, to assume its responsibility and to leave in clear its motivations."
Edward Snowden (ES), of 29 years old, former technical assistant of the Central Agency of Intelligence (CIA), and at the moment the military contractor's employee Booz Allen Hamilton, he/she has been working in the Agency of National Security (NSA) as several private contractors' employee. The former employee of the CIA, is in interview with The Guardian, he underlines that or that more wants it is that its filtration about programs of surveillance of communications of millions of people detonates a debate “among citizens of the whole orb it has more than enough in what world type we want to live", and he added that “my only reason is to inform the public on that that one makes on its behalf and that that one makes in its against."
They won't intimidate us: message to the maximum authority
In interview with the ‘Washington Post’, it denounced the systematic surveillance of innocent citizens and it assured that its decision of filtering the information was, partly, because “it is important to send a message to the government that people won’t be intimidated them". The filtration of ES to The Guardian (TG), and the Washington Post (WP), last week, he revealed secret programs of the NSA -one of the biggest intelligence agencies and it secrete of the world - focused in raking the registrations of phone calls of millions of clients of the company Verizon, and other, well-known as PRISM that gives access to the content of the clients of nine of the main companies of Internet cybernetic communications in the world (Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, Skype, among other). The filtration shook to the White House and it has detonated a debate about the reaches of the apparatus of American intelligence and the civil freedoms.
In their first delivery of information of the NSA to the periodic The Guardian, ES included a written note that he said: "I understand that they will make me suffer for my actions", but “I will be satisfied if the federation of secret laws (…) and irresistible executive powers that send in this world that so much love, they are even revealed by an instant". He also commented in Hong Kong where he was carried out the interview three weeks ago to prepare the filtration, ES commented that he never thought of staying anonymous letter, “because I have not made anything bad". And in this line of information he decided to be identified, in the Guardian newspaper: "I don't want the public attention because I don't want that the news is about me. I want it to be on what is making the government from The States". However, it recognized that “the means like to personalize the political debates, and I know that the government me, it will transform me into a devil."
Snowden will request asylum in Iceland
In the interview with Washington Post he adds: "I won't hide. To allow the government from The States to intimidate to his town with threats of reprisals to reveal misdeeds is contrary to the public interest". It indicated that he has had a very comfortable life, with a wage of around 200 thousand dollars annual, a girlfriend with who shares house in Hawaii, a stable career and a family that he loves. "I am willing to sacrifice all that because I am not able to, in good conscience, to allow the government from The States to destroy the privacy, the freedom of Internet and the world the population's basic freedoms with this massive machinery of surveillance that is building privately. ES knows very well, for their work in the intelligence world during almost one decade, the power and the American government's capacities: "All my options are bad". It also points out that The States could begin an extradition process in its against, and it doesn't discard that it could be kidnapped by the American government, and it could even be a task in charge at “third ones”. He commented that it will be a concern “with which I will have to live the rest of my life…."
It predicted that the government will announce an investigation and that they will accuse him of violating the ‘Law of Espionage’, and that “I helped our enemies, but that you can use against anyone that points out how so massive and invasive has returned the espionage system” to innocent citizens. However, in the face of the possibility that the government proceeds penalty against him, as that made against an unparalleled number of the calls whistleblowers (WB) that are the whistleblowers motivated by the very public one and to denounce abuses or illegal acts. Being ES one of the WB in the history of the country, he affirmed: "I am not afraid because it was my decision". It indicates ES in WP: "I have the intention of requesting asylum in countries that they believe in the freedom of speech and they are opposed to the victimization of the global privacy", his preference is Iceland for its reputation like champion of the freedom of Internet according to TG.
The documents are of public interest
The former employee of the NSA, ES describes his career from his entrance to the American army, in 2003, to believe that the mission of the war in Iraq was the liberation of a town, and later its ascent in the intelligence world, of guard of security to expert in computation in the CIA and the NSA. Disappointed with the way of operating of these agencies in George W'S time, Bush believed that with Barack Obama's election there would be reformations, but he has only seen that opposed (it is a continuation of Bush Junior’s government). He says that he learned “that you cannot wait to that somebody more it acts. It had been looking for leaders. But I bear in mind that the leadership has to see with who the first one is in acting". it is he commented that he admires Daniel Ellsberg who filtered the celebrated ones ' Papers of the Pentagon' during the war of Vietnam, and to Bradley Manning (BM), the soldier that still faces a martial court, in a military tribunal in the Fort Meade, -headquarters of the NSA - for the biggest filtration of secret documents in the history of the country.
It is it indicates in TG that there was a difference between him and soldier BM, the first one that each one of the papers was evaluated with secret information that gave to know to the world to make sure that “each one was rightfully of public interest", since he had access to much more than I don't end up filtering ”because my goal is the transparency, not to harm to people". With this information that ended up being public they will have to decide the citizens of the world that !so bad the stuffs are and now they have the power of deciding for themselves if they are willing to sacrifice its privacy to the state of surveillance", of the state.The big brother watches over us. (La Jornada, Mundo, p.p. 22- 23, June 10, 2013).
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