The reasons to invalidate the election
The Manchuria's candidate
By: Carlos Damian July 26, 2012
The masochistic Mexicans
México. - We placed us in this alternative of invalidity, promoted by the Progressive Movement, we don't know if the tests contributed by this will be enough. Much less we know which the position of the Electoral Tribunal of the Judicial power of the Federation (TEPJF) will be, although we sense it. They will be determined if constitutionally according to the article 41, the presidential election will be invalid, or not. The evident thing is that there is a growing dissent in the population's sectors with the electoral results, be or not objectionable. What we know is that Enrique Peña Nieto (EPN), and their managerial allies in the process electoral, they are pressing to the tribunal so that they give him the victory without delay to the PRI-PVEM.
What we know is that the social dissent resides in that millions of Mexicans don't want the former governor from Mexico in en Los Pinos residence. They have the perception of the one questioned it triumph it is not only for the Mexican masochism, but because it took advantage of the drop politics it makes aware, of the null democracy and of their poverty to –they even induce to force them -, to vote in a way and not in another. The publicists of the establishment say as parakeets and they repeat it until the fatigue that to call masochists to the Mexicans is to call them ignorant and corrupt, only because they were allowed to buy. The Mexicans are not children that went to vote.
Reasons to invalidate
We can contain them in seven items that coincide in big features with those that it has presented the PRD and the PAN. These coincidences in fact are tests of a vision shared by most of the citizens, marked by the economic inequality, in which was not guaranteed neither the authenticity neither the freedom of the vote. When examining the reasons legally to refute the election conducted and processed with rightness by the concerned authority. It will give place to declare the invalidity of the process and their reinstatement in the terms of the law. Before the demand of the PAN and of the Progressive Movement they face a series of disqualifications that suits to reason, and to evaluate.
What many argue is that if the presidential election is invalidated it will be necessary to refute all the other federal elections taken place in the same day. But it is ignored that it is different, although simultaneous processes. Although one can affirm that in all the elections irregularities were presented, only in the presidential one the reasons and commendable arguments appeared to invalidate the elections. One also mentions to the complications that would be derived of the declaration of invalidation and reinstatement of the process. Certainly they are evident and it is not simple and we know that their costs differ of being trivial of this corrupted election and full with illicit money. Although nobody assures if the money comes from the drug traffic or it is public.
However the political costs of the winning supposition of the presidential election will condemn us to the Mexicans to ford six years under a government marked by the origin genuineness, not arisen of the effective vote but of the effective money, high to the range of national motto. When reviewing the valid and real arguments they are the coercion of the vote by means of the purchase, denounced before the day electoral. Well-known as Monexgate, although the authority when carrying out the denounced facts determined that if they were real, but it denied the requested precautionary measures, applying a notion juridical of sufficiency, instead of prioritizing the necessity to establish artificial certainty, annulling the effectiveness of the presumed illicit fact.
Another well-known parallel case as Sorianagate whose reach overwhelming indications have been published, as much in the means as in the social, denounced nets the same as in the previous case before the election, it has hardly begun to be investigated after the elections. Besides the operations carried out by emanated state governments of the PRI to mobilize to induced voters' groups all this documented by the Progressive Movement, and presented in their opportunity in the face of the authorities of the TEPJF. Continuing with this information is pointed out that once deposited the vote in the polling-booth, is indistinguishable as a product of the coercion of another emitted in free form. It is impossible to quantify accurately to the first ones, but a seconds on the other hand is possible to continue them the track to determine the magnitude of the purchase operations and coercion, in such a way that we can arrive to quantitative estimates.
The accusation of the Progressive Movement can be sharpen and corrected by the authority that has bigger investigation capacity, by what the TEPJF should receive from the attorney's office special information in this respect, still of initial character, to take it in consideration when qualifying the election. The raccoon’s movement induced by the SNTE of the teaching's eternal leader should also be taken into account in the investigations, due to the great quantity of invested money informed by this blog. The magistrates should also take into account the evident violation of the laws about crammed full of Commitment for México’s campaign constitutes a powerful reason to invalidate. It is inadmissible that by the light of the evidences the sustained approach an administrative lack is considered, sanctioning to posteriori by means of admonishments and fines.
It is unpretending a verdict from the similar tribunal to the one of six years ago. Of being dilating this approach it will be validating that the illicit money, the money public laundry, is the element of more importance. To the informer it concerns to base, the best thing that is he possible their accusation, but the investigation of the same one and the determination of the truth is task of the authority. However this case is not this way, since the informer is the one that should investigate, to determine the truth of the coercion and the purchase of the vote. The outcome is a blow of death to the electoral accusation. (La Jornada, política, p. 22, July 19, 2012).
domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012
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