domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

The inefficiency of the capitalism

The European leaders without idea of the solution: Stiglitz
The inefficiency of the capitalism
By: Carlos Damián January 29, 2012
The European crisis persists and he/she has infections from Greece
México. - The leader Nobel of Economy Joseph Stiglitz pointed out that he doesn't leave indications that the officials have a plan to support the growth in the region. As participant to the edition 42 of the World Economic Forum (WEF), it pointed out that the speeches that he has listened in the WEF have made it more pessimistic. "they have given me the sensation that the European leaders don't have any idea of what they should make and of what they will make", he affirmed In an interview with Bloomberg Television. He added that serious infection risks persist from Greece, to what also pays the transparency lack in the financial markets.

The Polish president, Bronislaw Komorowski asserted that “today's crisis is of trust” in the European Union and in the finances of the continent. He affirmed that that could be overcome “if we had the anger of looking at ourselves toward inside of ourselves". Otherwise, the crisis “could make lose (to Europe) its position of leadership in the world". The future of Europe is one of the central topics in the forum of Davos, where topics like the growth, the innovation and the employment creation are approached, ballasted by the crisis of the debt that it has entered in its fifth year and fact to wobble the union and one of the most visible achievements: the Eurus. The first minister from Ireland, Enda Kenny (EK), it aimed that, “the lack of trust was evident; the markets didn't not only trust Europe, but neither the governments."

However, EK mentioned some signs that “it returns the trust", after the agreement of pact of fiscal union decided in the summit from the December 8 to 9 for all the leaders of the European union, except for Great Britain, the advance of the entrance in validity of the European Mechanism of Stability and the actions of the European Central Bank to alleviate the problem of liquidity and the market. The first minister from Denmark, Helle Torning-Schmidt whose country exercises this semester the European presidency, pointed out that “the heart of Europe, but the discipline lack in the budgets of the members."

The crisis of the western world
The crisis of the debt that takes to the world the economic deceleration and the European future centers good part of the calendar of this edition of Davos. The first British minister, David Cameron, from the tribune attacked against the lack of competitiveness of the members of the eurozone and of action to solve the crisis of the debt. He added that he intends to condone the debt of Greece quickly, recapitalize the banks and to establish a fire walls to protect to the countries. "This is it would make clear the difference between feeling and perspective", he affirmed, in a veiled critic to the strategy of A. Merkel who pleads for the reformations and it rejects to distribute in parts similar to all the countries members the sovereign debt of the eurozone.

The president from Brazil, Dilma Rouseff, who it doesn't participate in the WEF, but it, is carried out one similar in protest in Porto Alegre, Brazil, she difficultly criticized the politicians of fiscal austerity recommended for the European countries in crisis and it exhorted the governments to listen the protest voices in the streets. "Another world is possible", she asserted the leadership, when speaking before the representatives of social, student movements, environmentalists, student, and militant of left-side that participate in the meeting of the World Social Forum (WSF). It Highlighted the manifestations of those ' indignant ones’, Occupies Wall Street of The States, and it expressed that these protests reveal that “the dissonance between the voice of the markets and that of the streets seems to increase more and more in the developed countries."

A group of indignant that represent in Spain to the protest movements in Brazil, it claims; "we are not goods in hands of political and bankers", one of the sentences that the ‘indignant ones’ were identified was, and they explained to an audience Jorge Sanchez who was before in the protests in the square of Catalunya, in Barcelona. One of the theologians of the liberation, the priest Frei Betto, he said: "I fear myself that the summit of bosses of State will be a failure. The Group of the 8 doesn't have the minimum interest in assuming environmental commitments". DR opted to participate in the appointment of the "alter-globalist", instead of travelling to Davos. The draft of the conference of United Nations has received hard critical during the debates of the WSF.

Europe lives the worst crisis of decades; the claims are born of 15 years in those that the State of well-being depoliticized the youths. “The political class stopped to make political for the town, and the unions didn't make administration for the workers; and we arrive to 50 percent unemployment among the youths that are come without opportunities", the WSF added. The indignant ones don't accept leadership; neither has it structured in their program. Each one speaks for itself, but to them “a conclusive critic to a system and a class of politicians subordinated to a system power of the finances and the banks gather them ", Ester Vivas explained that also occupied the square from Barcelona.

They are unsuccessful recipes for European countries
A veteran activist of the Social Forum of Austria (SFA), the philosopher Leo Gabriel, answers: "we are fighting for years for the same causes". The movement of the indignant ones is a mirror of what has been the WSF in the last ten years", Juan Carlos Monedero, professor of political science said. Capitalist crisis, social and environmental justice is the topics that the WSF debates in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Integrating to the new world protests: the Arab spring, the indignant of Spain, it Occupy Wall Street, and the students from Chile. Under the motto capitalist Crisis, social and environmental justice, the Thematic Social Forum (TSF-2012) began on Tuesday (24/1/12), with a walk of almost 20 thousand participants.

The Brazilian sociologist, Emir Sader expressed, “it is the humanity's fundamental battle (ideological concessions), but it is a battle in that we hit ourselves against a gale, against the countries of the center of the capitalism that didn't show disposition to complete the established commitments 2 years ago", it indicated. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 2-10, January 27, 2012).

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