sábado, 28 de abril de 2012

A dollar for the democracy

It is bought in cheap the democracy
A dollar for the democracy
By: Carlos Damián March 16, 2012
The democratic process stinks to money
México. - Our country like that of the bars and the stars, it is against that “the democracy is bought” by the companies and the oligarchy. But we cannot ignore that when starting up the electoral year there is a green scent in the democratic process. In these moments the aroma has flooded to the whole electoral and little world political, the political debate of the past 22 of January, among republican pre candidates was sponsored by American Petroleum Institute, the association of the oil companies: Barack Obama announced that it will accept the nomination of its party in a stadium that takes the name of the Bank of America.

The pre candidate Mitt Romney has millions of its fortune in a fiscal paradise to avoid to contribute to the public treasure of its country: a sentence of the Supreme Court has untied what an analyst called “a tsunami of private money in the electoral process". It is predicted that this it will be the most expensive election in the humanity's history in the range of a thousand million dollars, in which we suppose that the votes are more important than the dollars. Two years ago, the Supreme Court (SC) of The States it emitted a sentence in the case ‘Citizens United´ in which granted to companies and to rich the right to invest limitless quantities to influence in the electoral process, when determining that "people" and therefore they enjoy the individual right to the “free expression."

The super committees of political action (PAC)
In these electoral beats they still stay limits on that quantity of money can donate itself to the campaigns of individual candidates, there is not limit it has more than enough expenses to promote and to attack other presidential applicants, and also that it is not made in coordination with a specific campaign. The effects of this legal sentence saw each other quickly in the elections legislatives and state from 2010, when due to the sentence of the SC new entities legal called super committees of political action appeared (Super PAC), for where those funds are directed without limit, mainly in political publicity. According to the Foundation Sunlight, the super PAC spent a total of 455 million dollars, of which the origin of 126 millions has never been disclosed; because the Congress has not promoted a law that they forces to report the origin from this type of taxes to the Super PAC.

Actually presidential electoral cycle of 2012 is expected that these appreciations are much bigger. The Super PAC has already spent almost in the election of November 30 million dollars. The non partisan center of investigations, Sunlight is dedicated to give pursuit to this matter; it carried out an investigation of who the main donors of the federal electoral processes are, through their contributions to campaigns of parties, PAC and other groups. In 2010 they discovered that little less than 27 thousand individuals, taxpayers' much reduced group donated each one with 10 thousand dollars like minimum, for a total of 774 million dollars. "When it is politics, these are 1 percent of 1 percent", Sunlight affirms.

Bill Moyers in the program “Moyers & Company”
Ellen Miller of the foundation Sunlight affirms that, “we believe in what one goes in the system of political financing it is the unequal access and without precedent of the rich and influential to those that make the decisions in the government. They are those that make the big taxes to the campaigns, (…) They are those that determine who it is postulated for the positions and who it wins, and what that is it makes the Congress". The executives and investors that conform “1 percent of 1 percent” in the politics financing are bound with a reduced number of companies. Some of the 10 main committed companies with the politicians are: six financial companies as leadership by Goldman Sachs, then for City Group companies, immediately by continue with Microsoft, RJ Reynolds Tobacco, American International Group and Bear Stearns.

This political process has always existed but in the last years has become critic, and explicit the use of the resources to lobby, to contribute to campaigns of political advertising, and with the sentence of the SC has arrived to perverse limits. Until it is said that in politics, “we don't have neither capitalism neither democracy. We have a capitalism of clients". The population certainly rejects this state of things, as the social movement Occupy Wall Street that names this, “the kidnapping of the democracy for 1 percent", and in their manifestations by means of their poster’s sentences are written like, “we don't have with what to hire a lobbyist, we have this sign in this blanket only."

We have the best congress that the money can buy
This sentence is of Will Rogers makes more than 70 years, and the comic George Carlin, he affirms that “the owners of this country know the truth: it calls itself the American dream because one has to be sleeping to be believed it". During the earthquake of August there were serious structural damages in the buildings of Washington D. C., but not so many damages like the long destructive process of the call American dream. In these histories we can included Bruce Springsteen, in the foreword of the book ' Someplace like America' that the last three decades of The States are the history of the “de- construction of the American dream". A song magnifies that it depicts these American events: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLFLrTnue9s&feature=related
When it is to discover the mysteries of power: just do it, follow the Money". (La Jornada, opinión, p.p. 2 - 6, February 25, 2012).

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