domingo, 2 de octubre de 2011

The miracles of Mexico

Well-known miracles outside of the church
The miracles of Mexico
By: Carlos Damián August 7, 2011
Impressive demonstration of massive divination
México. - Previously well-known in Mexico they are the miracles outside of the Church. A federal tribunal confirms what the whole country knew but they feared to confirm, the innocence of all those that had relationship of some or otherwise with the death of the 49 children of the ABC kindergarten of Hermosillo, Sonora in 2009: Mrs. Margarita cousin is innocent. Marcia Matilde Altagracia Gomez of the Campo Tonella is the name of the family one of the wife of Mr. Calderon. Until today's day no person has been accused by the tragedy and correspondent to the jail to pay for this infantile holocaust.
It has been discharged in the judicial thing, starting from the obliging company that it was not forced to only impede the infantile deaths to be partner of the business in that they joined the influence traffic, the no fulfillment of preventive norms, the search of benefit economic savage and the managerial ownership to the classism political and economic bipartite. Characters of “high society” that don't step the jail neither they are punished by what happened in one of their sources of revenues: some are protected and helped by Eduardo Bours former Sonora’s governor of the PRI, and others are admitted by the members of the dominant party in the national scene (PAN). The official judges simply formalized the elite impunity that all worlds sensed from the beginning of this dramatic tragedy.

Apostates of the dinosaur
Other people are sorry and they will in fervors conversion of the war the institutions of the tri-colored party that feel already that the door this open one in the paradise for them, and they will recover the Pinos’ residence. These outstanding characters helped the rebellious Felipe to settle in the false niche with 0.56% of votes, making him a residence in the federal government from Mexico. In exchange for that support they have been pointed out by the PAN like a danger for Mexico, the parties’ dinosaur, ghost of the past that is necessary to stop with the militarized magic and deceiving lights of colors with the purpose of blocking their return to the power of the presidency of the Republic.
The sky and the hell have put on makeup of blue with Monsignor Carlos Abascal who exercised their ministry like Ministry of Government – Home Office- during the sinful final part of the sidewalk of Vicente Fox government. This dark character with devout person condition, it is praised by their virtues of compassionate exaltation of ultra-right-side and hard hand that celebrates a “yunque”. Abascal has in its file miraculous patents as the complicity and the passivity in cases like Atenco and Oaxaca, the decomposition of the mining union and the support of the Larrea of the Grupo Mexico, more that of the mine of “Pasta de Conchos”, even more prodigious it is the abandonment in that they have been the dead persons of this mine as if they were dogs of the evil, inside these mining facilities.

The Minister of the Public Function, Salvador Vega Casillas, has prepared a plan anti-corruption, although people think that it is a little late for a government that today begins its penultimate year and the candidate, Calderon promised an administration of “clean hands". However to these times of the game already neither with bleach. On the other hand, a new chapter opened up in this relationship love-hate with the PRI. This chapter is of hate and difficultly the Mr. President's initiative that arrived to the Congress, it will receive green light. The good luck only had it in its government's first two years.
Miner union accuse Javier Lozano Alarcon (JLA)
The National union of Mining Workers, (SNTMSRM) that Napoleon Gomez Urrutia leadership before the Camera of Deputies – representatives' chamber-, the past 25 of November to which accused of serious violations in its functions of public servant. This organization outlined that even when the Secretary of the Work affirms that he doesn't worry about this accusation, now it will credit its innocence before facts that directly they involve it and they will be matter of amplifications of this accusation that consists of more than 228 pages.
According to the union, “in the trip to The States and Canada of May of 2010, JLA offered to international unions as United Steel Workers, USW, and the American Federation of the Work and AFL-CIO", to liberate to Juan Linares, president of the general council of vigilance and justice, and to defrost the union funds in exchange for that the mining union gave up the right to the strike and he gave the mine from Cananea to Grupo Mexico, with what violated its functions and responsibilities like executive of a federal public dependence; that it means, it acted as fiscal, judge and executioner in this case, extortion that was not accepted him."
In an official statement, the union lists a series of actions that to its view JLA made, trying to destroy to the union. Among these actions it enumerates: illegal persecution of the leadership of this mining union and plan of actions aimed at to maintain frozen the bank bills of the union and to privilege Grupo Mexico's interests and of other companies, in damage of the rights of the workers of this union. The mining union assure that JLA has intervened in actions aimed at one mentioned consortium substitutes to the mining union for one also assures “white union”; it has participated directly in actions to deny the “toma de nota” to its leadership, with what has violated the autonomy and the union freedom. This outstanding knavish character of the federal administration certainly in their years outside of the public function will continue with public demands and in private by their open complicity against unions and he will try to cover with political positions inside some party inside the national scene. (La Jornada, politica, p.p. 8-24, December 1, 2011).

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